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About Ubuntu Portugal

[Ubuntu Portugal]

Join the Ubuntu-pt Team

About the Ubuntu Portugal (Ubuntu-pt)

This is the LoCo from Portugal, and all those who speak Portuguese and want to join us.
Ubuntu-pt has several goals:

  • promote Ubuntu to bring the best of Free Software to the widest audience,
  • generate, organize and support, community and community efforts around Ubuntu and Free Software
  • bring our culture (language and perspectives) to Ubuntu, to enrich it and make it easier to adopt by the people who share our culture
  • foster contributions to Ubuntu, including those who will adapt it to the needs of our community
  • support users of Ubuntu

Team Leadership

[Name and link to Launchpad/Discourse profile of LoCo Team Lead]
Ubuntu-pt is managed by Council composed of 5 members, 3 of them are LoCo managers:

Three of these Ubuntu-pt Council members are "managers":

Team Communications


Some members of our community (Diogo Constantino, Tiago Carrondo, Miguel, and previously also David Negreira) produce a podcast in Portuguese dedicated to Ubuntu, Free Software, and some other stuff, it’s the “Podcast Ubuntu Portugal”

Additional Team Resources

Social Media


“Ubuntu Portuguese Translators” team

Ubuntu-pt, operates a Portuguese (from Portugal), translation effort that is carried out by the “Ubuntu Portuguese Translators” team, that is coordinated on the Ubuntu-pt translations mailing list.

The translators team has some documentation on the [Ubuntu Wiki Portugal Team Translation page](Wiki:, which does include a Translation Memory.

More details about the Translation team on the ubuntu-pt website Translations Team page (in Portuguese).

Ubuntu Touch Community/UBports in Portuguese Community

Ubuntu-pt has one of the oldest standing communities dedicated to Ubuntu Touch (the version of Ubuntu for smartphones and tablets).

Since the UBports Community took over the effort of developing Ubuntu Touch, its ecosystem and Community, Ubuntu-pt and UBports Community co-manage the UBports in Portuguese Community which does gather on the ubports_pt Telegram group.

Centro Linux

Centro Linux” is an initiative led by the Ubuntu-pt Team, to promote knowledge sharing about Linux, Free Software and other related topics. It has a strong component of practical experimentation/exploration, by gathering the community on a physical location, and providing means of computation (a small computer lab).

The contacts for the Centro Linux Team are:

Ubuntu-pt Web Team

To develop and maintain all the Ubuntu-pt websites (Ubuntu-pt, Ubucon Portugal, Centro Linux) the Ubuntu-pt, recently created a “Web Team”.

The contacts for the Ubuntu-pt Web Team are:
